Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I am not Irish, but I do adore folklore and the color green, and I am always looking for fun ways to play with dialogue. So, here is a short piece; dialogue only, in honor of the holiday. Enjoy with some brisket and cabbage and good old green beer.

Luck (Dialogue Only)

by: J.J. M. Czep

“Stop yer squirming. You’re only hurtin’ yerself fightin’ like that. Just give me what I’ve rightfully earned.”

“Aye, an’ what be this thing you’ve earned by trussin’ up an ol’ man, eh?”

“Donnot try t’ play me for a fool imp. I know the rules o’ your kind.”

“Indeed? An’ what be the rules of an imp, then?”

“You must grant me a wish.”

“That be the rules o’ the little people, the Leprechauns, not old imps.”

“You know what you are!”

“Aye, but you said I was an imp.”

“Enough. You’re a Leprechaun. An’ I know that means you owe me a wish.”

“Aye, indeed, if that be what I am. I owes ye a wish. So what ‘ave ya?”

“I’ll ‘ave your gold.”

“Aye, ehm, well, for that ye’ll have t’ be lettin’ me go.”

“No way. I know how tricky you folk are.”

“Aye, an’ still ye be a fool. How am I t’ lead ye to me gold if’n I’m unable even to git there meself?”

“I suppose that is true. But, what if I let you go an’ it’s all a trick?”

“That’s a chance you’ll have to be takin’. If ye want the gold. An’ you do want the gold, don’cha?”

“I want the gold.”

“Y’ could make a wish instead.”

“I’d wish for the gold, then.”

“Aye, well to ‘ave that wish you’ll have to do as I said previous.”

“Fine. Then, I’ll tie this ribbon to you so you can lead me an’ not run off.”

“If that be a way t’ ease yer mortal mind.”

“It be.”

“We’ve been walkin’ some time. These woods are thick and it is getting’ dark. This better not be a trick.”

“No trick, good sir fool. You asked fer me gold, I be leadin’ ye right on to it.”

“Down there?”

“Aye, if ye wants the gold. I’ll have to be goin down there to git it. Your leash be a bit too short.”

“This is another trick. If I let you down that hole you’ll not come back out.”

“Aye, now what good would it ‘ave done me t’ lead ye this far. Ye sees the rainbow. Ye sees it’s colours runnin’ right into that hole there. So, it mus’ be so, the gold is there.”


“There’s still time to change yer wish though.”

“Why would I want to do that?”

“Well, so it tis, then.”

“Just get the gold.”

“So you’ll be settin’ me free then?”

“Aye, but I am goin’ down there for the treasures. I’ll not have you lock me away from it all by some magic.”

“Of course, of course! I would not dream of such a thing, but if ye be insistant upon it, down with ye. I will keep well enough in this dark, an’ dangerous wood, all by my little lonesome.”

“Good then. Ah! Look at it! Jus’ look at it all! I’ll be comfortable for the rest of my years!”

“Aye, of course, of course, sir fool.”

“Leprechaun, help me out wit’ this load.”

“Now, see here then. I helped ye t’ my treasures an’ travelled with a fool ribbon about my person to appease yer lack o’ trust. Like some animal I was leased t’ ye through a wood where I knows folks. An’ all this after ye tricked me int’ a trap of devilish devising. An’ now, ye needs my help t’ gets out of the hole ye got yerself into. Tsk, tsk, sir fool.”

“Leprechaun! You tricked me!”

“No, no, my fool. You ‘ave me gold as you asked. I told ye to be lettin’ me go. I told ye t’ be mindin’ yer wishes. But, now, ye be havin’ me gold. The ‘hole’ load of it. Far too much fer one man, los’ in the wood, t’ be carrying back t’ enjoy. Ye should’ve listened when I said to let me free. Should’ve made another wish at least.”


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tovrea Castle for Kids too!

For those out of Arizona or who just don't know about the wedding cake styled castle that sits just outside the cit of Phoenix, I would love to share Tovrea Castle at Carraro Heights.

I started as a volunteer working in the cactus gardens that surround the castle and moved into the castle recently as a docent. This does not mean I live there, just that I would love to! The castle is open for public tours beginning March 10th, so please, call up and reserve a space. If you ask for Jenn I will certainly try to be your guide.

Past gardening and learning enough about the grounds and castle to educated the public, I was recently asked to work on one of several writing projects. I am excited to announce my position as writer of children's books based on the castle and the owners! Stunning, right?

While I cannot go into deep detail for the moment, I can say I am seeking an artist(s) to work on the images for these books. If you have an interest in Arizona history and offering your talents to a non-profit organization, please contact me.

Arizona parties are most welcome of course, but out of state works too!

I hope to release more about this stunning piece of Arizona history in future posts on this blog or my Ancora imparo blog.