Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Consistency is a Stretch Goal

Clearly consistency is a stretch goal that I will endeavor to focus on for the Fall. I would love to have at least two blog posts each month, but we'll start with one since, I have been all over the place. 

There was a time, not so long ago, that I ran multiple blogs, wrote for steady columns in a variety of magazines, and produced articles on the daily. Things have changes a lot since then though, and if I'm honest, I don't want the article lifestyle again. 

August though is the start of a more consistent existence, on all fronts, including writing. Fall is shaping up to be a return to my I Can Do It All phase again. This is my favorite lifestyle. And I don't think I'm made of magic or that I'm the only one who can do all the things all the time. It's all about scheduling, focus, and yeah, consistency. 

So, I'll start with the outward facing madness. Starting as of, well, yesterday, classes are on, school is in session, and events are looming. So what does a week in the life of Czep look like? 

  • Mondays -
    Writing Workshop
  • Tuesdays - Marching Band
  • Wednesdays - Bellydance
  • Thursdays - Marching Band, Meetings with Bob 
  • Fridays - Sword Fitness
  • Sundays - Tarot, Swords, Dance, Wine Making
Tossed into the mix are at least twenty hours at the library, and the upkeep on six serial Vellas. These are of course only the income building gigs. I'm also making time for ukulele, harmonica, or drum practice, workouts, language lessons, reading (even if its audiobooks) and hopefully some sketching or art again. 

The art stuff will likely have to wait until after my current craft and construction projects are complete. I have Color Guard uniforms to trim and detail this week, a ramp to construct at the school, and a Labyrinth Ball costume to finish this month. 

I promise I do sleep. I get a pretty decent eight hours even (when my body behaves). And I do eat decent meals. I also keep my house from caving in around us, and the cats are fed and happy. 

The trick is small, consistent, doses every day. Most of my classes are not more than one or two hours long. I take on my writing tasks in deeply focused one hour gulps and walk away to do chores or stretching in between. I practice music, and art in fifteen minute snacks at least once a day. The biggest tool in the mental kit though is that I only expect small improvements. I will not write a whole novel or serial in one day. I will not learn an entire choreography in an hour. I will however be better than I was yesterday. I am better than I was a month ago. 

When people tell me they can't do something, or that I'm just good at everything, I feel like shaking them. The reality is, I'm not good at everything. I'm consistently better at the things I give my energy to. And anyone can be.

I'm also self aware enough to know when there is work to be done. Like, being more consistent, and knowing that taking a day off is not the same as quitting. What are you looking to be more consistent with this month? Maybe we can hold one another accountable and make a game of it!

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