Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pirates, Hot Ace, and Mermaid Birthdays

The story of Captain Blackstrap Gennie is full of strong female characters and men, real, hardcore men, willing to accept them. Complete fiction, right? Of course not! Historically as well as presently, there are power females gallivanting about, and they pal around with some pretty tough guys.

Her part in His-story

Some of the most prominent pirates throughout history were of the fairer sex. When I use fair in this case, I mean to say firm, level-headed and enforcers of the pirate code.

Most fans of pirates know the name Jack Rackham, better known as Calico Jack. If you have not heard of him, look him up, he is one of my favorites! By default that makes him one of Blackstrap’s heroes. Calico Jack is in some ways similar to Marrick, Blackstrap’s loyal first mate and best friend. And, if Marrick is anything like Calico Jack, then one must be lead to compare Anne Bonny and Mary Reed’s relationship to that of Maggie Pye and Blackstrap Gennie. The historical trio, as well as the fictional, wrought havoc in the golden age of piracy and did so by breaking the cardinal rule of Western sailors – no women allowed.

Captain Hook…err

Exiling women from ships was not a hard and fast rule in all traditions though, thank goodness (badness) for Ching Shih. Think the idea of Gennie becoming the Korsana of the sultana and training the harem girls to take up the banner of piracy is a bit far-fetched? Well, then do a bit of research on the prostitute turned pirate queen. The men surrounding her learned right quick that Shih had dropped her former profession in pursuit of greater gains. Bedding any woman while on duty was grounds for execution.

Enforcing the rules in the ranks of her 400 ships was not this little “lady’s” only claim to fame. Ching Shih was also a top notch strategist and general. Maybe Shih and Gennie should set down to a game of chess?


Still think that having a broad aboard, if not leading the battle, is beyond reality? How about this one? Most of the stories and characters in Blackstrap’s Ecstasy are based on actual events and people. Czep has a fair number of smart, strong, stunning female cohorts at her side and, while these women can hold their own in a confrontation they do have a few good men willing to come to their aid.

Visit the crew of The DREAD Fleet to see the inspiration in action! This Saturday, July 14th, they make port at Hot Ace Comics (Mesa) from 11:00AM – 3:00PM and then the Phoenix Zoo for Moon Mermaid’s Birthday from 6:00PM – 9:00PM.

Captain’s orders, mate!

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