Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Adventures at the Arizona Renaissance Faire

I am starting with the “thank you”s. Thank you to Ann Chamberlain of The Arizona Renaissance Festival Book Shop! You made me feel so very welcome my first year selling books at the faire that I was giddy to return this year and made it my goal to do so! Thank you to Char and her mom for welcoming me into their home and feeding me for the weekend of the faire. I am honored to be to lucky to stay in such a lovely home with open minded, creative, wonderful people, who by the way make a mean chicken casserole! Thank you to Max! I would not sell half the books that made it into the hands of the public without your faith and sales skills.

So, yes, another year, another Pirate Weekend at the Arizona Renaissance Faire. I am so grateful for the unseemly lovely weather Arizona has this year. Captain Blackstrap did not get the chance to wear her captain’s coat for very long, but people seem to dig the belts more anyway. It was great to see at least a few familiar faces on Saturday when it was only Max and me. The best was running into one of my Teen Creative Writing students from Rio Vista! I am excited and as always a bit nervous about seeing some of the pictures taken by all of the roving photographers, but by all means tag them on the social media and send a few my way. Max always looks stunning with all his pirate style. And, it was a pleasant surprise to be visited by my GD Frippery friends and Top Hat the Pirate.

I am always sort of relieved when the stash of books sells out. This is especially true at the faire. It is impossible for me to sit at the book table so imagine how chained I feel just having to hang out there for hours as the world passes by. I was happy to visit Moon Mermaid at the Twig the Fairy house and to run into some of my favorite drummers there too. I do wish I had more time to sit to watch Ghazal Beledi dance, but what I did see was astounding as usual.

On Sunday, with the rest of the crew present, we really took the faire by storm. We raided Enchanted Images for a group photo and to visit with some of the members of Delirium. Casey (Captain Red Cap) even managed to escape her tower for a short while to visit and take a photo with us!

The tournament was a bit of a disappointment this year as the pretty, pretty prince won the day. It is pirate weekend folks, isn’t the bad guy supposed to win? Shameful. Commodore Max made it worth while though by taking second place in the pirate contest. Proud and maybe a little jealous, but can you really think of anyone more deserving?

All in all, a great weekend and hopefully many more impressed fans and followers of Captain Blackstrap. Now, to get my fingers clacking at put Max’s story to paper. Faire winds to those still entertaining at the faire and to those who have not yet been, I will see the lot of you at the next DREAD Fleet event, if not before!

Pirates! What is your profession?


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