Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sunday Special

Sunday inspiration is for everyone

Today is Sunday Madness at the House of Rainbows and Awesome! In honor of the open doors, Sunday inspiration will always be available to all patrons. So here's a taste of what you're missing during the week. 

It's a Knight of Swords sort of day at the studio today. We are going hard into rehearsals to prepare for our October 13th and December 2nd shows. 

The Knights are cards of youth, exuberant energy, and action! The Knight of Swords may be the pinnacle of this. He is an act first, ask questions later, sort of character. He is full of strong ideals and seemingly limitless motivation! His motto, let's do this!

Our other card today is the Ten of Cups. I can think of no better way to refer to this card than the Happily Ever After. This card always brings a smile to my face when I see it. On a day of rehearsals, tarot, and D&D, I know the power of this card is strong. 

Prompt: Show me the knights in your story! You don't have to be writing a fantasy or historical fiction to have a few knights in shining armor in your story. Who are the characters forever performing feats of heroism, welcomed or not? How do you show their heroics without simply telling the reader "he is a hero"? Show us a scene filled with action, energy, and unbridled strength of ideals, and you have shown us a hero.

Movement: Work it today! This one is specifically for my troupe today, but I'm sure some of you will gain from this, too. 

Give it your all today. Mentally, physically, emotionally, give whatever you do your all. Sweat through that workout and be present in that burning. Strive for the best in form and stamina. Dig deep for that desire to reach the next level of your achievements. 

In anything you do today, think of yourself as the Knight in a fairytale and strike forth with the power of your beliefs. 


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